You may find yourself in an unexpected situation where you may have to help a person in need of medical attention. Start with these steps:
What to Do:
If someone has suffered an injury:
- Check surrounding area for any dangers.
- Call 911 or activate a blue light phone tower. Stay on the phone while the dispatcher assists you.
- Do not move the injured person unless there is danger of further harm.
- If the injured person is bleeding, place a dry cloth on wound with gentle pressure.
Unconscious Victim:
- Check surrounding area for any dangers.
- Call 911 or activate a blue light phone tower. Stay on the phone while the dispatcher assists you.
- Check to see if person is responsive.
- Check to see if person is breathing, including signs of coughing and rising chest.
Do not exceed your training or knowledge when attempting to render first aid.
For More Information:
To learn more about first aid, check the Red Cross for a class in your area.