Hurricane Preparedness For Science and Engineering Buildings

In addition to basic Hurricane Preparedness, members of the campus community who work in science and engineering departments can consider additional steps to ensure business continuity in their labs or departments:

In the event that deliveries to campus are not possible following the storm:

  • Ensure that there is enough dry ice on hand.
  • Anticipate that radioisotope orders will not be delivered.
  • Consider the need for any other supplies needed within a week.


  • Prepare to cancel or alter any field trips and outdoor or off-campus activities, especially those requiring travel to the areas affected by the storm.
  • Check that outdoor equipment, including roof-mounted equipment, is protected, secure or removed temporarily.
  • Test UPS systems. If you are counting on Uninterruptible Power Supplies for your computers or laboratory equipment, test the system. It is all too common to find that your UPS system batteries are dead just when you need it.
  • Ask everyone in the department to turn off computers and sensitive electronic equipment before going home. In the event that there is a power surge or loss of power, this measure could prevent equipment from being harmed.
  • If there are areas of your building that have flooded in the past, consider ways to protect any important or sensitive materials. Remind your Special Facilities maintenance supervisor of these areas so that they may make arrangements for repairs or maintenance that could minimize flooding.
  • Please ensure that your faculty, staff and students know how to find out if the University is closed or has an early closing or delayed opening. InsidePrinceton will be kept up-to-date.
  • Be sure that your staff know whether or not they are expected to be at work in the event of a University closure. See Human Resources Essential Services During Emergencies or Other Conditions for more information.
  • Give serious consideration as to whether or not your lab should continue to operate. Be aware that storms can cause power outages and/or damage to University buildings, and campus services to your lab or building may be limited.
  • Check your contact lists and your Continuity of Operations plans. Department managers should have access to contact lists for faculty, staff and students in their department.

In the event of a power outage:

  • Consider refrigeration needs, particularly for equipment not connected to the emergency generator.
  • Make contingency plans for other equipment that may not be operational for an extended period of time.