Updated Feb 23, 2015
What is happening with measles on the Princeton campus?
One undergraduate student came down with measles. The student has recovered and is no longer contagious. The initial test results were reported Feb 19 and after additional testing, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the NJ Department of Health confirmed the case. Updates on the case and the University’s response are posted on the Princeton homepage as new information becomes available.
I was on the Princeton campus recently. Should I worry about catching measles?
The period of concern when the student may have been contagious and on campus was Feb. 4 through 8.
If you were on campus during that period, you should check to see if you were in any of the areas on this list of locations and times.
If you were in one of those areas during those times, were born after Dec. 31, 1956, and have not been vaccinated, call the Princeton Health Department at (609) 497-7608.
I’m visiting campus today. Do I have to worry about contracting measles?
The period of concern on campus over the student with measles ended Feb. 9. The campus remains open to the public and activities continue as normal.
Now that the case of suspected measles has been confirmed, are additional precautions or actions necessary?
No. Following the guidance and requirements of state and municipal health officials, the University has been taking steps based on the presumption that the case would be confirmed. No new measures are recommended.
Where can I learn more about measles?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has measles information on its website, as does the New Jersey Department of Health on its website (PDF).
If you have specific questions, consult your physician.
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