TigerAlert (formerly PTENS) is an emergency notification system that allows authorized Princeton officials to send news and instructions simultaneously to individuals through landline phones, cellular phones, text messaging and e-mail. The benefits of the TigerAlert system is its immediacy and direct access to individual campus members through multiple points of contact.
TigerAlert complements tools the University already has in place to communicate with the University community during events such as weather-related closings, public health crises, public safety emergencies and other unique emergency situations. In the event of an actual emergency, the University will continue to relay critical information using the most appropriate options from a full range of notification resources: TigerAlert, TigerSafe app, Web announcements, e-mail, blue light towers, and the Alertus desktop system.
Entering Contact information
All graduate and undergraduate students must enter emergency contact information through the self-service TigerHub database.
Faculty and staff must enter emergency contact information through the Office of Human Resources self-service website.
TigerAlert notifications are directed solely to the University member via the contact information provided. While students, faculty and staff are asked to provide "In Case of Emergency" contacts in the self-service databases for other purposes, this information is not relevant to nor used by the TigerAlert emergency notification system.
Students, both undergraduate and graduate, and individuals who receive a paycheck from the University are included in the TigerAlert system.
Additionally, the following university groups are included in the notification system.
- Emeritus Faculty who maintain a campus office address
- Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
- Casual Hourly Employees
- Affiliate groups:
- Departmental Computer Users
- Sponsored Departmental Guests
- Princeton University Press
- U-NOW and U-League
If your contact information is up-to-date and you believe you should have received a message, please send an e-mail to [email protected].
TigerAlert User Portal
Members of the University community can manage how they receive non-emergency messages via the TigerAlert system.
Through the web portal, accessible through the Central Authentication System, individuals may select which non-emergency messages they would like to receive and the way they want to receive them. Click on the option for Opt-In Lists to see the available non-emergency messages, which include:
- Construction updates
- Facilities outages / disruptions
- Phone calls for delayed openings, closings and early dismissals due to weather events
- Automated alerts from the National Weather Service for weather watches, advisories, and warnings
- Traffic alerts
Individuals may not opt out of emergency messages, which will continue to be sent through all available TigerAlert methods of communication (telephone, text messaging and email).
For non-emergency messages, the portal allows users to control the delivery method. For example, for delayed openings, closings and early dismissals, you may choose to receive phone calls via your mobile phone or home phone.
You may also find information about delayed opening, closings and early dismissals on University social media channels or InsidePrinceton. The 258-SNOW number is no longer updated.
If you have questions or difficulty setting your preferences, please email [email protected] for assistance.
University Affiliates
Employees of the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab, Princeton University Press and select other organizations affiliated with Princeton University are included in TigerAlert. Those individuals not included in the TigerAlert program have access to more traditional communications methods used by the University, including Web postings and other aforementioned tools. However, they should primarily rely on the information and guidance provided by their own organizational leaders during an emergency.
Non-Princeton University Community Members
Non-University members are, for the most part, not included in this system. Visitors to the University, including contractors and recreational facility users, may refer to the University website, the telephone hotlines, signs and personal communications for information. Non-University members may also download the TigerSafe app to receive push notifications of a TigerAlert that is disbursed to the campus community. In recreational facilities, Athletics personnel provide facility users with information pertinent to the recreational facilities during an emergency.
Departmental Computer Users (DCU) are included in TigerAlert. DCU affiliates must ensure the contact information on file with the host department is complete and up to date.
Problems with Receiving Text Messages
Check your contact information in TigerHub or HR Self-Service to ensure that you entered your cell phone number in the correct field.
If you continue to have trouble, please send an e-mail to [email protected].
Charges for TigerAlert Notifications
There is no charge for calls or text messages from TigerAlert. However, the phone call and text message is subject to the conditions and rates of your particular calling plan. For example, if your calling plan does not include text messaging, you may incur a charge for a text message received from TigerAlert, based on the rates of your cellular service provider.
Please note that with the exception of the annual system test, the University will only send text messages for urgent situations.
If you have additional questions about the TigerAlert System, please see the TigerAlert Frequently Asked Questions or contact us.