
Emergency Preparedness Training

The University offers a number of different training devoted to emergency preparedness.

Emergency Coordinator Training

Presented by Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) and the Department of Public Safety (DPS), this training is for building Emergency Coordinators and their team members. It includes an overview of the University’s emergency management planning efforts and instructions on how to develop and implement departmental/office emergency plans.  To see when the next session is scheduled and enroll, check the Employee Learning Center.

Emergency Preparedness Training for the Campus Community

Training offered jointly by the Department of Public Safety and Environmental Health and Safety. Open to all members of the campus community, this training is geared towards preparing for different types of campus emergencies. Learn actions you can take to ensure your safety and the safety of others during an emergency, as well as how to stay informed leading up to, during and after an incident.

This training is offered in either a classroom-based, instructor-led format or a 17-minute online session.

  • To register for a classroom session email Derek Ziegler. To register for the classroom session online, go to Under Training By Department choose "Environmental Health and Safety," then "Emergency Management." (Must be logged in.)
  • To take the online training, go to the EHS e-learning page in the Employee Learning Center, and select the course under Emergency Management. (Must be logged in.)

Fire Extinguisher Training

Fire extinguisher training is offered by the Office of the University Fire Marshal. To register for a session, check the Employee Learning Center.

Fire Safety Education

The Office of the Fire Marshal provides events and activities for Residential Colleges, University Laboratories as well as Administrative and Academic Departments. For more information, email [email protected].