
TigerSafe WorkAlone Feature

The TigerSafe app now has even more tools to help keep you safe. The new WorkAlone feature will automatically check in on you while you are working or studying alone and can automatically trigger a call to your emergency contact if you fail to check in at the allotted time. 

How it Works

  • Download the TigerSafe app (if you have not already done so)
  • Tap on the "WorkAlone" button on the TigerSafe app's main menu page
  • Tap "register" to sign up for WorkAlone (a first-time-only requirement)
  • Tap "Start WorkAlone Now", and fill in the required fields to start your WorkAlone session.
  • The app will send you a push notification, asking you to "check in". If you check in to confirm you're OK, then the app will send you another push notification at the next specified time.
  • If you fail to check in within a 5-minute period, the app will make an outbound call to your Emergency Contact letting them know you've failed to check in.
    • Otherwise, you continue to check in at the regular intervals, and the WorkAlone session ends when scheduled to. 
Workalone Screenshot