Zika Virus

Last Update: August 5, 2016

University Health Services and Environmental Health and Safety continue to monitor information about the Zika virus.

Travel Alerts and Precautions

Information for individuals traveling to areas where Zika virus is active is available on the University Health Services (UHS) website.  The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mainains a list of Zika active areas.

Threat of Zika Virus on Campus

Currently, there is no evidence of mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus on or near the Princeton University campus.  The University, in cooperation with Mercer County Mosquito Control, has set up traps on campus to monitor mosquito activity.

Zika virus can be sexually transmitted from an infected person who may or may not show signs or symptoms of the virus.

For more information, see the UHS Zika website.


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